Analysis of jfk assassination video driver

I received a surprise email tonight from larry jamison, author of the republished article i posted on august 8, 2007 about the jfk assassination, identifying the limo driver, secret service agent william greer, as the shooter who killed the president. The jfk assassination, now 54 years later, is still a subject that generates a lot of emotion, curiosity and speculation. William robert greer september 22, 1909 february 23, 1985 was an agent of the u. Watch this video and see how our eyes can be deceived. After studying frames at about z284 to z330 or so, you can clearly see the driver turn back towards jfk and shoot him at close range with what appears to be a silver. Using medical data from the house select committee on assassinations hsca forensic pathology panel and zapruder frame 312 jfks last known position before impact, a trajectory was plotted to determine the source of the shot. Kennedy was fatally shot by a sniper while traveling with his wife jacqueline, texas governor john connally, and connallys wife nellie, in a presidential motorcade. Kennedy was assassinated by a sniper while riding in an open limousine in dallas, texas on 22 november 1963. We like to feel that the world is safe, errol morris tells me. Here is a video of found footage of what appears to be jfk being shot by the driver of his vehicle. Kennedy was riding with his wife jacqueline, texas governor john connally, and connallys wife nellie when he was fatally shot by former u.

Many people think lee harvey oswald had help shooting president kennedy. Most news footage was taken on film and processed just like a photo film. Lee harvey oswald fired three shots at president john f. Kennedy was assassinated, you may have heard about a few conspiracy theories. Johnson takes the oath of office as president of the united states, after the assassination of president john f. The secret service killed jfk, william wild bill cooper, the ufo conspiracist, tax resister, and selfstyled militiaman based his 1991 claimed that jfk was assassinated by limousine driver william greer, on a special washed out version of the zapruder film an allegation easily refuted by simply looking at the original zfilm. This video replaces the one that was censored, due to the complaint filed by proponents of the theory that bill greer, the driver of the limousine turned around and shot president kennedy. Kennedy was assassinated while riding in an open motorcade by a sniper in dallas, texas on 22 november 1963. John fitzgerald kennedy, the 35th president of the united states, was assassinated at 12. Kennedy, but rumors still abound that a conspiracy was behind it. Even today, the zapruder film is seen as evidence in countless conspiracy theories about who shot the president. Kennedy assassination was likely carried out by elements within the government.

Using the film and a trove of other evidence and testimony. Safe at least in the sense that we can know about it. As a new trove of documents about the killing of president john f. The assassination of jfk and his accomplishments while he. When dressmaker abraham zapruder brought his camera to see president john f. Then, have a look at some of the most incredible john f. The many historical jfk assassination films analysis. History channel video documentary on the jfk assassination titled the men who killed kennedy view free shows the john f. Bush even laughed at the assassination of jfk at president gerald fords funeral.

Jfks assassination isnt a conspiracy theory, it was a. After seeing these photos the jfk assassination, learn a little about whats inside the secret kennedy assassination files set to be released by the u. The other jfk assassination footage, stabilized boing. Crime scene investigation jfk assassination 1 jfk assassination. Jfk assassination the correct conclusion regarding william greer on november 22nd, 1963, secret service agent william greer was the driver of the presidential lincoln continental convertible as it made its way through downtown dallas, texas. Kennedy and the first generation critics of the warren report by john kelin. Secret service, best known as being the driver of president john f. Central standard time in dallas, texas, while riding in a presidential motorcade through dealey plaza. Photo and film analysis in the jfk assassination public. The 26second zapruder film of kennedys assassination marked the.

The who, how and why of the jfk assassination wake up world. Jfk assassination film hoax the fastforward mistakes. Ive added some graphic cards to identify which streets the motorcade was on. By natalie reneau and peter baker october 25, 2017. The assassination of john f kennedy shocked the world and plunged america into political chaos nearly 54 years ago. The most misrepresented missunderstood jfk conspiracy. Jfk assassination news, pictures, and videos cbs news.

Yet somehow the jfk assassination became a forensic nightmare, plagued by a controversial autopsy and, incredibly, a prime suspect murdered on live television while in. I watched the frames in a slide show format which seems to be the best way to view them. Four hundred and eighty six frames later, zapruder had not only captured history, he had made it. If the video doesnt start in a few moments, please refresh the page. Most people vaguely know about the zapruder film, but it will soon become omnipresent as the 50th anniversary of the assassination of john f. Jfk assassination the correct conclusion regarding. Zapruder film shows jfks driver firing fatal head shot.

While it wasnt the only recording of the episode, the zapruder film was used as a centerpiece of the warren commission, an investigation mounted by president lyndon b. Here is a link to the individual zapruder film frames of the jfk assassination. Jfk assassination film reveals three shooters framebyframe video analysis shows shocking new evidence in enhanced footage. Kennedy faced gunfire from three gunmen who shot four bullets at his passing motorcade according to dramatic new findings that indicate lee harvey oswald could not have acted alone sparking a fresh manhunt for a second and third shooter. John fitzgerald kennedy, the 35th president of the united states, was assassinated on november 22, 1963, at 12. Kennedy, including three with ties to the central intelligence agency cia, were named by a prominent critic of the warren commission report wcr. His accused killer was lee harvey oswald, who was himself murdered before he could stand trial, and the death of kennedy has long been the subject of speculation and conspiracy theories. Watch this video to see how the jfk assassination unfolded. In that video he says you can see the drivers arm extend with a chrome pistol and shoot jfk. In the video below, we have assembled four different jfk assassination films. Former governor of texas john connally 1917 1993 examines frames from abraham zapruders film footage of the assassination of president kennedy, san antonio, texas, 1966.

Rightly so the event was of extreme significance and is a telling reminder that the people who run this world are far above the level of prime ministers and presidents. Essays on the assassination of jfk by vincent salandria 2 correspondence with vincent salandria by michael morrissey 3 history will not absolve us by e. Nov 19, 2019 given that the zapruder jfk assassination film is shown so often, many people are unaware that there are more than one john f. Kennedy was gunned down in dallas by three separate shooters, as revealed in shocking new images from november 22, 1963 only in the new issue of the national enquirer. Jfk assassination files the federal government released 2,800 longsecret documents related to the assassination of president john f. In this essay, cranor asks readers to consider whether there is a significant discrepancy between the nix and zapruder films of the assassination, and if this indicates tampering. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Note how greer says in his testimony i was the senior agent assigned to him, to drive him. What you are seeing and what coopers analysis of the video and what he points to, is reflecting sun light off the passengers head they say this proves william cooper didnt see any top secret.

Introduction november 22, 1963 is considered one of the darkest days in the history of the united states. Kennedy on the 50 th anniversary of his assassination, a number of crazy conspiracy theories persist about the circumstances surrounding his death there. Of the history channels revealing ninepart kennedy assassination video documentary the men who killed kennedy, part nine may be the most revealing and certainly is the most controversial of the nine segments. Kennedy, mortal shooting of the 35th president of the united states in dallas, texas, on november 22, 1963. The seldomseen kennedy assassination photos above are certainly proof of that. Its been over forty years since the assassination of president john f. The 26second zapruder film of kennedys assassination marked the predawn of the viral video age ordinary citizens with cameras documenting extraordinary events. The zapruder film shows jfk receiving his head wound at frame 3. Kennedys presidential limousine in the motorcade through dealey plaza in dallas on november 22, 1963, when the president was assassinated. He became jfks driver after the 1960 election through simple seniority. Kennedy s assassination in dallas, texas on november 22, 1963and the investigation and conspiracy theories that followed. A new study of the evidence says thats very unlikely. In other words, he was not assigned a protection responsibility, he was simply a driver.

Possible places where shots came from for jfks assassination. Ive tweaked the jfk dallas motorcade video i started working on last weekend by adding a new photo near the start of the motorcade and a blowup of it to s. The only people who could make videotapes were television studios. The jfk assassination, almost to the day 52 years later, is still subject that generates a lot of emotion, curiosity and speculation.

This video starts with lyndon johnsons attorney stating categorically that johnson murdered kennedy to. Though its not as clear or as long as zapruder, its recorded from the other side, showing the grassy knoll and a groundlevel view of the assassination. Did trump try to obstruct the obstruction of justice investigation a closer look. Dealey plaza in dallas, texas was the setting for one of the most horrific moments ever captured on video, in what has become one of the most controversial topics in us history. Jfk assassination film reveals three shooters new images. Johnson to determine the details of his predecessors killing. Debbie conaway and jfk lancer have assisted in further proving the driver assassinated john f. The clip above would come to shape the ensuing evaluation and controversy over kennedys untimely death. Kennedy was assassinated while riding in an open limousine within a motorcade through the city of dallas, texas on.

A new study suggests the grassy knoll jfk assassination theory is bogus. What physics reveals about the jfk assassination history. Six jfk shooters, including three tied to cia, named by assassination authority by sherwood ross with jim fetzer six shooters who participated in the assassination of president john f. Kennedy, jr founded a magazine oddly titled george which many speculate is insinuating for people to look closer at his fathers death and that kennedy jr.